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Security in the Cloud as Explained by Dr. Sheldon Cooper

Your data is safe in the Cloud. Read on the learn why, as explained by Dr. Sheldon Cooper.

So, you’re wondering about security in the Cloud, huh? Well, let me tell you that if you’re worried about the safety of your data, you shouldn’t be. Just as Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory is so sure he is the most brilliant physicist out there, we are sure that your data will be very secure with AllianceCloud. Not convinced yet? Well, let’s hear it from him:

Hello interested reader. Good choice coming here. This is Dr. Sheldon Cooper, and I am here to speak on behalf of Alliance Technology Partners and bestow my Cloud security knowledge onto you today. You lucky duck.

Let’s get a few things clear first so we’re on the same page. When you store your data in the Cloud, that means that you are backing up your data and applications remotely rather than on site.

Where does this data go, you ask? Well, when operating off of the Cloud, your data is stored in these data centers. Are they secure? What a silly question. Would I, THE Dr. Sheldon Cooper, recommend anything other than the best? I don’t even need to answer that, you know the answer. These data centers are guarded with such high security, it could be considered government level. You don’t need to worry about your data in these safe-houses. Here’s an example to prove it: Ian Massingham from Amazon Web Services (AWS) says that AWS, the biggest public cloud platform provider, has more than 1,800 security controls overseeing its services and data. So, the Cloud is pretty secure. Would I ever steer you wrong?

There are also other ways that security in the Cloud is maintained. You didn’t think we had just one precaution, did you? We can also encrypt your data, both while it’s in transit, and while it’s hanging out in your cloud servers. AllianceCloud will also give you the option to set rules on who can and can’t access your information. See, now I told you I only talk about the best out there. Expecting anything less from me would be insulting.

Backing up your data to the Cloud also allows you to access your data from anywhere, anytime, from any device. This way, in the case of a robbery or natural disaster, your business doesn’t have to halt. No more excuses – hard work doesn’t take a break. I know what I’m talking about. I’m exceedingly smart. I graduated college at fourteen. I know what it takes to be successful, so listen to my words.

In conclusion, when it comes to security in the Cloud, you should have no hesitation or worries. Your data will be perfectly safe in this virtual space, along with giving you various backup options as well. Would Dr. Sheldon Cooper ever lie? Contact Alliance Technology Partners today to get started.

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